Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Blandness can be beautiful
Plainness can be astounding
The noise of silence erupts
While the world calmly walks by
Ignorantly blissful

I stare at nothing and I am inspired
Where is the source of creativity
That mysterious inner place
That we all posses
But only few can tap into
If only I could reach it

We strive for recognition
And when we find it we hide
What did we try so hard for
I guess that is the mystery of life
We will solve it when we die

Man yearns for love
But easily vents hate in return
Illogical, stupid, life
Maybe one day I will understand
By then I will probably be dead

Insipidity is a treasure
A precious jewel not appreciated
No one envies the plain
The ordinary is not worth hate
That should be the new ideal


I'm fucking talented
Whatever it is i am so talented in
i don't know yet
but believe me
Whatever it is, when i find out
You will be fucking blown away
So start practicing your accolades
Your loud applause, your speeches
I'm about to show you
Maybe soon, maybe later
But definitely way before never