Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Blandness can be beautiful
Plainness can be astounding
The noise of silence erupts
While the world calmly walks by
Ignorantly blissful

I stare at nothing and I am inspired
Where is the source of creativity
That mysterious inner place
That we all posses
But only few can tap into
If only I could reach it

We strive for recognition
And when we find it we hide
What did we try so hard for
I guess that is the mystery of life
We will solve it when we die

Man yearns for love
But easily vents hate in return
Illogical, stupid, life
Maybe one day I will understand
By then I will probably be dead

Insipidity is a treasure
A precious jewel not appreciated
No one envies the plain
The ordinary is not worth hate
That should be the new ideal

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