Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Facebook broke my heart
I logged on, took one look at my wall, and was changed forever
I didn’t even know I felt anything before
Until I felt the after
And then I knew
Facebook broke my heart

And all because I saw you and a familiar face
And suddenly it made so much sense
Light bulb moment
The mystery was solved
Now I know he fixed more than just those brakes
And my heart is broken
Facebook broke my heart

I can’t help but notice
Your album is full of photos of him
And none of me
That your status proudly displays: in a relationship with…
And I couldn’t even get that acknowledgement
Would have never have thought HE would be even close to competition
But here I am staying up late writing this
While you are probably asleep in his arms
And now I hate Facebook: it broke my heart

Now I’m looking for closure
Deleting your number
All those text messages I keep reading over and again
Deleting all your pictures
Yes even that one of you wearing my shoes that I love so much
Deleting every song that you ever said you liked
I’m not going to Waffle House for a year
I stopped playing the piano
I’m burning those sheets that you love
But I’m still keeping that Facebook account
Maybe eventually, it will heal what it broke

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