Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Guys like me are hard to find
We are always there when you need us
We hold your hand through it all
Give you a shoulder to cry on
Always a phone call away
Ready with a few kind words
But you always leave us for guys like him

Guy s like me
 You call us perfect
Soul mate
Your prince charming
 The man of your dreams
Guys like him
you call cheat
But somehow you always end up with guys like him

Guys like me we always do everything right
We listen
Hold back until you are done
Cuddle after the act
Take you shopping
Know all your friends
Pretend to like all your friends
Never flirt with any of your friends
Share gossip
Pick up the check
But you still end up with guys like him

It’s sad that guys like me
Never fall for girls like me
We always fall for girls like you

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