Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I hate sleeping alone
Cos I’m tossing and turning on my side of the bed
Leaving your side alone
So my side is hot and sweaty
Your side is cool and dry
But I still leave it empty
Even though you’re not home

I hate sleeping alone
Cos no matter how hard I wrap the sheets around me
I still feel the cold
So I’m shaking and shivering
Teeth clattering I’m freezing
Its 80 degrees and I’m still cold to the bone

I hate sleeping alone
Cos those sweet dreams I have when you’re here
 Are replaced by nightmares when you’re gone
So my calm peaceful sleep
Replaced by tired fitful sleep
I have to stay awake all night
And it’s all because you’re not home

I hate sleeping alone
Cos I miss that smile on your face that you greet me with every morn
And that smile lets me know the days going to be great
So you know my day is terrible
When that smile is gone

I hate sleeping alone
Cos you know how I like to hug and kiss and nibble on your toes
So my hands are idle and fidgety
My lips are bored and twitchy
I just had to do something
So I sat and wrote this poem

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