Tuesday, January 15, 2013


She reminds me of steel magnolias
Not that I have ever seen steel magnolias
But I like to think if magnolias were made of steel
They would be just like her
So non-committal in her manner
Picture book definition of happy-go-lucky
Care free, living life as it comes
And then just out of the blue
There is a comment that could only have been the result of deep reflection
Even her hair cannot decide what colour to be
One colour now, another the next
Then two or three shades at the same time
Complicated- just like her
I think of a million questions when I stare into those eyes
And then I have none
Sometimes the mystery is more intriguing than the solution
So you deliberately refuse to find answers
Hoping to prolong ignorance’s bliss
See the magnolias are in the look, the posture the smile, the frown
The flowing hair, the smell of which mixed with tobacco breath
Is so strangely appealing
But even in what would seem the most vulnerable state
When every wish should be granted
A simple request is met with a strong NO: STEEL
Contrasting personalities that in others will seem so schizophrenic
Lunatic almost
In her co-habit so naturally

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