Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Blandness can be beautiful
Plainness can be astounding
The noise of silence erupts
While the world calmly walks by
Ignorantly blissful

I stare at nothing and I am inspired
Where is the source of creativity
That mysterious inner place
That we all posses
But only few can tap into
If only I could reach it

We strive for recognition
And when we find it we hide
What did we try so hard for
I guess that is the mystery of life
We will solve it when we die

Man yearns for love
But easily vents hate in return
Illogical, stupid, life
Maybe one day I will understand
By then I will probably be dead

Insipidity is a treasure
A precious jewel not appreciated
No one envies the plain
The ordinary is not worth hate
That should be the new ideal


I'm fucking talented
Whatever it is i am so talented in
i don't know yet
but believe me
Whatever it is, when i find out
You will be fucking blown away
So start practicing your accolades
Your loud applause, your speeches
I'm about to show you
Maybe soon, maybe later
But definitely way before never

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I might still love her
Oh my god, I might still love her
Thirteen years gone by since I first set eyes on her
And I might still love her
I have tried to fight the feeling
But my head won’t just stop reeling
And I realize
I might still love her
Why do I still think about her every morning I wake
And dream about her every night in my sleep
When I know she doesn’t even remember I still exist
Why do I call on every birthday, every holiday, every occasion? 
When I have to identify myself
Every time we speak 
And even as I put my thoughts to paper
I realize
Oh my god, I do still love her


Men of old
Said a heart of gold
Can never be sold
Even if a thousand years unfold
The thought of you, I forever hold


Ha ha ha 
You laugh at my speech
With that perfect little cackle of yours
And my heart misses a beat 
I have known you forever
But every day, every week
I wish you were not his
That you were mine to keep
But I know I’m just a friend 
And I don’t want to loose that 
Thinking of the complications that will arise 
If I told you what was really in my heart
So I keep mute and bear the pain
Every time you smile when you say his name
Because I know how you will love him
To the very end
And me, poor old me
I am just a friend


This piece was inspired by events in the Ivory Coast and other volatile parts of the world.

When we line them up in the town squares
Blindfolded, hands tied behind them, barefooted in the cold
Large crowds staring and cheering
As they bear witness to the powerful now fallen
When the volunteers take up their guns and aim
Wait for the command and proceed to fire
When the bullets hit them
When they scream in pain
The crowds yell loudly and applaud
When they go limp as their souls leave their bodies
As we disperse with the crowds headed towards our homes
We will not let our conscience worry us
God will understand

When their families weep and gnash their teeth
When their corpses are thrown to the dogs
Oh no, no state burial for you sir
When their possessions are repossessed 
Their mansions destroyed and turned into garbage dumps
When the soil of their farmlands are tilled with salt
Nothing will ever grow there again
When the cars they once rode so majestically in are crushed
Only good as scrap metal now
When their names are expunged from the history books
Branded a curse, never to be mentioned again
We will fear not
God will understand

For they sat back and gave orders while their henchmen went out
To steal, to kill, to destroy whole families
They sat back fattening on the spoils of their destruction
While their fellow citizens starved to death
While innocent young children were malnourished
Denied the basic necessities of life
Robbed of their innocence
While diseases robbed the citizenry of their lives
While their soldiers chopped off limbs and dismembered whole villages and towns
Short sleeve or long sleeve
Women raped, the land desecrated
They sat back smoking fat Cuban cigars
Surrounded by friends, family, loved ones
While on the streets havoc and terror ran free
Blood flowed freely in the drains
Scavengers fed on bodies lying lifeless on the streets
As a woman wailed, beating her breasts for her children
She could not be consoled
They are no more

So when justice eventually catches up to them
And they beg for mercy
Plead for foreign powers to intervene
When exile becomes enticing to them
And they suddenly realize the value of a human life
We will laugh as their pleas for forgiveness fall on deaf ears
And we will not fear for our souls
For when we meet the maker
God will understand


I want to write
I love to write
I live to write
But sometimes i sit down to write
And my mind draws a blank
So i try and i try
Brain cells twitching
Head scalp scratching
All to no avail
Still my mind draws a blank
Lack of motivation, writers block, call it whatever
I sit with a pen and a pad for hours
And i can't write a word
My mind stays blank
So i picked up the pen and said to myself
Since i can't write about anything else
I will write about my mind being blank


Quickly I dash to the corner store
Need some more minutes on my phone
So tonight I can have more
Conversations with her

Load up the minutes and dial her number
One ring, two rings, three rings
Why won’t she pick up
Almost anxious
Four rings, five rings
Hello, she answers
I smile as I start
Conversations with her

Vibrant, full of life
A cackle here, a giggle there
Good speaker
Better listener
I really do enjoy these
Conversations with her

Insinuations, innuendos
Little said
A lot implied
Nothing ventured so nothing gained
Characteristics of
Conversations with her


I hate sleeping alone
Cos I’m tossing and turning on my side of the bed
Leaving your side alone
So my side is hot and sweaty
Your side is cool and dry
But I still leave it empty
Even though you’re not home

I hate sleeping alone
Cos no matter how hard I wrap the sheets around me
I still feel the cold
So I’m shaking and shivering
Teeth clattering I’m freezing
Its 80 degrees and I’m still cold to the bone

I hate sleeping alone
Cos those sweet dreams I have when you’re here
 Are replaced by nightmares when you’re gone
So my calm peaceful sleep
Replaced by tired fitful sleep
I have to stay awake all night
And it’s all because you’re not home

I hate sleeping alone
Cos I miss that smile on your face that you greet me with every morn
And that smile lets me know the days going to be great
So you know my day is terrible
When that smile is gone

I hate sleeping alone
Cos you know how I like to hug and kiss and nibble on your toes
So my hands are idle and fidgety
My lips are bored and twitchy
I just had to do something
So I sat and wrote this poem


Facebook broke my heart
I logged on, took one look at my wall, and was changed forever
I didn’t even know I felt anything before
Until I felt the after
And then I knew
Facebook broke my heart

And all because I saw you and a familiar face
And suddenly it made so much sense
Light bulb moment
The mystery was solved
Now I know he fixed more than just those brakes
And my heart is broken
Facebook broke my heart

I can’t help but notice
Your album is full of photos of him
And none of me
That your status proudly displays: in a relationship with…
And I couldn’t even get that acknowledgement
Would have never have thought HE would be even close to competition
But here I am staying up late writing this
While you are probably asleep in his arms
And now I hate Facebook: it broke my heart

Now I’m looking for closure
Deleting your number
All those text messages I keep reading over and again
Deleting all your pictures
Yes even that one of you wearing my shoes that I love so much
Deleting every song that you ever said you liked
I’m not going to Waffle House for a year
I stopped playing the piano
I’m burning those sheets that you love
But I’m still keeping that Facebook account
Maybe eventually, it will heal what it broke


We can spend all the time we have left in this world together
Live happily ever after
Be with each other forever
 But never say I love you

We can make the sweetest love
Bodies in-sync making music
Lay in each other’s arms all night
But never say I love you

We can hug and squeeze
And cuddle and kiss
And tickle and tease
But never say I love you

We can make plans for the future
Not see tomorrow without each other
Have beautiful kids and start a family
But never say I love you

You can show you love me
 Make it plain for the whole world to see
Leave them with no doubt in their minds
 But never say I love you

You see
All my life love has disappointed me
My father loved me then he hit me
My mother loved me then she left me
God loved me then he cursed me
I refuse to talk about my past relationships
So now that it’s all perfect with us
The last thing I want to do is jinx it
By saying the name of that treacherous thing called love

So you can buy me flowers and gifts, buy me the world
Show me you love me in a million different ways; you have to
But please, please, PLEASE
Don’t forget the cardinal rule


Pain of gain
Pain of loss
Pain of life
Pain of death
Pain of joy
Pain of sorrow
Pain of sickness
Pain of health
Pain of the sweet
Pain of the sour
Pain of the rich
Pain of the poor
But the pain of loneliness
Must surpass all


She reminds me of steel magnolias
Not that I have ever seen steel magnolias
But I like to think if magnolias were made of steel
They would be just like her
So non-committal in her manner
Picture book definition of happy-go-lucky
Care free, living life as it comes
And then just out of the blue
There is a comment that could only have been the result of deep reflection
Even her hair cannot decide what colour to be
One colour now, another the next
Then two or three shades at the same time
Complicated- just like her
I think of a million questions when I stare into those eyes
And then I have none
Sometimes the mystery is more intriguing than the solution
So you deliberately refuse to find answers
Hoping to prolong ignorance’s bliss
See the magnolias are in the look, the posture the smile, the frown
The flowing hair, the smell of which mixed with tobacco breath
Is so strangely appealing
But even in what would seem the most vulnerable state
When every wish should be granted
A simple request is met with a strong NO: STEEL
Contrasting personalities that in others will seem so schizophrenic
Lunatic almost
In her co-habit so naturally


What is love
I ask myself
Is it like a dove
Flying free by itself
Or is it like a curse
When it is dealt
For it can conquer the heart
Cause destruction of self


Guys like me are hard to find
We are always there when you need us
We hold your hand through it all
Give you a shoulder to cry on
Always a phone call away
Ready with a few kind words
But you always leave us for guys like him

Guy s like me
 You call us perfect
Soul mate
Your prince charming
 The man of your dreams
Guys like him
you call cheat
But somehow you always end up with guys like him

Guys like me we always do everything right
We listen
Hold back until you are done
Cuddle after the act
Take you shopping
Know all your friends
Pretend to like all your friends
Never flirt with any of your friends
Share gossip
Pick up the check
But you still end up with guys like him

It’s sad that guys like me
Never fall for girls like me
We always fall for girls like you


There’s nothing more to say
As sleep finally takes over
At the end of the day
As the calm of the night
Overtakes the cacophony of the day
As the scorching sun
Is replaced by evening dew
Tomorrow is another day


Boom boom boom goes the fontomfrom drum
Dancers with sweat pouring from their backs
The intense heat of the afro sun
Depicting everything rich and black
Interspersed with this, the kente cloth
Which compared to others
A butterfly’s wings to a moth’s
What is this; a mere display
Of a culture once enslaved
Their ancestors sent to and early grave
A holocaust greater than Hitler gave


From the dizzying heights of euphoria
 To the abysmal depths of despair
From the uplifting sights of Mother Nature
To the depressing images of human torture
From the cool, refreshing ocean breezes
To the hot, humid dungeon air
From the attractive effects of the gates of cocoa groove
To the repulsive effects of the gate of no return
From joy
To sorrow
From love
 To hate
From laughter
To tears
From life
To death
I experienced it all
I experienced contrasting images